Who Cleans the books at night?

This is for picture it and write from Ermilia’s blog.


Only three more books, and then I would be done with all the last names starting with the letter S. That was my given schedule for however long it took me. Every night, I managed 15 books and they were old and weathered, but cherished all the same. It took a lot of effort to pull the heavy books off the shelves, for I was a smallish library sprite. Most sprites stand at one and half feet tall, but I’m a shy millimeter from being a foot tall.

I was pushing in the last book when I saw Hunter through the shelf cracks. He should have been done long ago since he was a tall sprite. The books seemed effortless in his hands and I was usually the last one to go back into my assigned book. He turned around and caught me looking. I quickly ducked down, but saw his smirk. Dang, he has often caught me looking. I try not to, but It’s his bright green eyes with the dark lashes that catch my gaze and that smirky face.

“Lilly, I know you’re there.”
“No, I’m not,” I said and mentally slapped myself on the forehead.
“Are you spying on me?”
“No, I’m just wrapping up and going home.”

He came around the isle with a book in his hand.

“What are you doing with that.”
“I’m going somewhere different,” He said and started to flip the book open.
“That’s illegal, big no no, you know what they do to sprites who jump stories!”
He looked at me, raised his eyebrows, and said, “Yes, they give us more books to clean.”

He traced his hand across the page and looked up at me.
“What book are you stuck in?”

I actually would give anything to have a different story. Mine is filled with sadness and anger, and an ending I haven’t made it to yet. One day I will know my whole story, but you only get to the end when you’re very old. I try to always aim for the best parts, but sometimes I have to relive the evil ones.

“Yep, you’re in a sad book too,” he said. “Lets go to the ocean for one day.”

My heart flickered with lightness. I would love to go to the ocean. I had heard Emma, my spunky friend, talking about it before. She had said her book had a giant white whale in it, whatever that was, which lived in an ocean.

He placed the book on the shelf.
I gasped.
“Hunter you are dangerous. First you’re talking about jumping stories and now you’re shelving books in wrong spots.”
“Pish Posh, I see Frank do it all the time.”
“That’s great, so if Frank rips a page out of a book will you too?”
He looked hurt. “I would never rip a page out of a book,” he said.

And then he smiled at me and jumped into the book. I just stared at the empty space he left behind. I walked back and forth twice and then he jumped out of the book causing me to fall over backwards with a small yelp.

He started to laugh and so did I, until I heard the familiar sound of a tapping cane. Oh no, it was the library guard sprite. He was always in a bad way.
Hunter stopped laughing and held out his hand. I looked at his hand and then up to his still laughing eyes. He smirked and we jumped into the waiting book.

Heart2Heart: Digging up the hatch…

Months ago, I had ripped my broken heart from my soul and put it in a shoe box. Well, this is just a metaphor and I wish it was a little different. I would tell you I took my feelings of love, turned them into a sparkly butterfly, and set it free in a meadow, but that would be a bunch BS. Pretty, but BS all the same. It wasn’t the easiest break off to say the least. My slow stumble of regret/sadness had turned into a walk of embarrassment/letting go and then finally back into a normal happy go lucky jog. It takes effort to just move on, but it eventually does happen.

My story in life has taken many routes and I want to share with people the disaster, hope, love, and comedy of it all. I still have plenty to share with many surprises to come 🙂


Try to laugh at your mistakes, it can really change your day!

My brother and I were going grocery shopping and stopped at the 7/11 for coffees. Being on a budget this was a reasonable option. Well, I’ve never had coffee from a 7/11 and they give all kinds of options. Seven different types of coffee, a spinning table with creamers, a spinning table with pump syrups, peppermint creamer, pumpkin coffee, sugars, and the list continues. I was a bit overwhelmed, but did my best to pick the right combination. Sending a small prayer up that it wouldn’t be the nastiest thing in the world, I searched for a lid.

My brother came around the corner and said I could put ice in it from the fountain drink machine, so that I could drink it right away. What a good idea. Well I walked over, put my cup under the ice slot, and like an idiot pushed the button. Coffee splashed in my face and down the front of my shirt.

He walked up and said, “oh man, tell me you didn’t just do that.”

“Yep, sure did,” and I was feeling like the biggest idiot ever.

After a quick stop back to the house and a shirt change we were back on the road. I took a sip of the coffee and it wasn’t the worst ever, but pretty damn close. I hid the grimace and took another sip. It was probably because the coffee I chose ran out halfway and I filled the rest with a different kind.

We were in the grocery parking lot and he wanted to finish his coffee before facing the Sunday shopping rush. I glared at my cup of coffee and decided the best thing to do was down it. I didn’t want to be ungrateful since he sweetly bought me the coffee. Men sometimes get mad when you waste their hard earned money.

I was gulping it down when I felt him staring.

“Damn,” he said.

I looked down at my shirt. “Are you kidding me!” I had spilled coffee on my second shirt of the day.  What the hell is wrong with me?

Then I noticed the lid wasn’t on all the way. I wanted to get out of the car and throw the blasted coffee across the parking lot.

“Why didn’t you tell me it was spilling,” I said

“I thought you didn’t care. I was in shock because I thought you were drinking it like when someone is drinking water so fast it spills out the side of their mouth.”

I started to smile at the visual and then flat out laughed when he impersonated a sane person drinking coffee and then me drinking coffee.

I rolled through the store with a coffee stain, but smiled every time I thought about my idiotic morning and his impersonation.

Learn from my mistakes.

1: Never push the ice button and let it fall into the cup. Let it fall into your hand.

2: Make sure the lid is on all the way.

3: If you make the mistake and pick a coffee that runs out, start over.

4: Don’t let the small things ruin your day. Try to laugh instead.